Given example datasource structures and schema (see end of the post) what would be a correct way to get attr.Type for the types.MapValueFrom() call in Create() Read() etc?
For ListNestedAttribute I can do the following to get the type:
schemaType := model.getTypeFor("addresses")
list := types.ListValueFrom(ctx, schemaType, entries)
checks if “attributes” element from schema map is ListNestedAttribute
and if so, returns type of the NestedObject
. This works fine.
For MapNestedAttribute attributes this doesn’t work, whatever type of NestedObject really is, it’s not what MapValueFrom expects, and I get the following error:
│ cannot use type provider.AddressObjectsResourceAddressesObject as schema type basetypes.MapType; basetypes.MapType must be an attr.TypeWithAttributeTypes to hold
│ provider.AddressObjectsResourceAddressesObject
The example code below:
import dsschema ""
type AddressObjectsDataSourceModel struct {
Addresses types.Map `tfsdk:"addresses"`
func AddressObjectsDataSourceSchema() dsschema.Schema {
return dsschema.Schema{
Attributes: map[string]dsschema.Attribute{
"addresses": dsschema.MapNestedAttribute{
Required: true,
Optional: false,
Computed: false,
Sensitive: false,
NestedObject: AddressObjectsDataSourceAddressesSchema(),
func (o *AddressObjectsDataSourceModel) getTypeFor(name string) attr.Type {
schema := AddressObjectsDataSourceSchema()
if attr, ok := schema.Attributes[name]; !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not resolve schema for attribute %s", name))
} else {
switch attr := attr.(type) {
case dsschema.ListNestedAttribute:
return attr.NestedObject.Type()
case dsschema.MapNestedAttribute:
return attr.NestedObject.Type()
return attr.GetType()
func AddressObjectsDataSourceAddressesSchema() dsschema.NestedAttributeObject {
return dsschema.NestedAttributeObject{
Attributes: map[string]dsschema.Attribute{
"ip_netmask": dsschema.StringAttribute{
Description: "The IP netmask value.",
Computed: false,
Required: false,
Optional: true,
Sensitive: false,