SSH timeout issue


I’m getting ssh timeout issue while running packer code, im using private subnet so I have used the below parameter:

“virtual_network_subnet_name”: “”,
“virtual_network_resource_group_name”: “”,
“virtual_network_name”: “”,

As I could see that in azure NSG should be created for this temporary packer vm, how we need to configure inside the packer code.

==> azure-arm: Waiting for SSH to become available…
==> azure-arm: Timeout waiting for SSH.

Please provide some suggestion. I’m getting stuck at this step.


What does your build file look like?
Specifically the boot command and related script(s).

During the tempVM, you run a boot command on the liveISO.
By the end of this command, you should have an SSH connection up and running on the liveISO in order to continue. For the connection, you provide an ssh_username and ssh_password or key in the build file.
If you don’t, you get stuck at this step.