Stuck on getting '' to work for multiple instances generated via for_each on display name list

Using this as a reference: Terraform module

I have created a module that generates multiple computer instances in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy, per display name that it receives as a list. However, I am stuck with the output component.

As per this YouTube video: HashiCorp 0.12 tour (the link is set to the timestamp I am referring to), you do not need to output specific attributes, and can just output the entire thing. This works fine for me when creating a single computer, as I can reference the output, and attributes I require.


# Compute module
resource "oci_core_instance" "test-instance" {

# Compute module
output "instance" {
    value = oci_core_instance.test-instance


# #

module "test_instance" {

resource "test_volume" {

resource "oci_core_volume_attachment" "test_volume_attachment" {
    instance_id = "${}"

However, when trying to to do this when it generates multiple computers - as shown in the code as show below, I get errors such as “the key expression produced an invalid result” for the ‘’ file.

Can someone tell me where I have gone wrong in the output, please?

Example code would be really helpful.


resource "oci_core_instance" "test-instance" {

    for_each = local.display_name

    availability_domain = "${var.availability_domain}"
    compartment_id = "${var.compartment_id}"
    shape = "${var.shape}"
    subnet_id = "${var.subnet_id}"
    display_name = "${each.key}"
    source_details {

        source_id = "${var.source_details-source_id}"
        source_type = "image"


variable "availability_domain" { default = "NZWJ:AP-SYDNEY-1-AD-1" 
variable "compartment_id" {}
variable "shape" {}
variable "subnet_id" {}
variable "display_name" {

    type = list(string)
    default = []
locals { display_name = { for v in var.display_name: v => v } }
variable "preserve_boot_volume" { default = false }
variable "source_details-source_id" {}


output "instance" {

    value = {

        for instance in oci_core_instance.test-instance:
        instance => instance


module "test_instance" {

    source = "./modules/compute"
    compartment_id = "${oci_identity_compartment.test_compartment.compartment_id}"
    shape = "VM.Standard.E2.1"
    subnet_id = "${}"
    display_name = list("Test One", "Test Two")
    source_details-source_id = "ocid1.image.oc1.ap-sydney-1.aaaaaaaazy24niulp5e5a5oyaadjrwnwoa2g6f2hay2f26dqy63pn5sljjma"

resource "oci_core_volume" "test_volume" {

    availability_domain = "NZWJ:AP-SYDNEY-1-AD-1"
    compartment_id = "${oci_identity_compartment.test_compartment.compartment_id}"
    display_name = "Test Volume"
    size_in_gbs = 50

resource "oci_core_volume_attachment" "test_volume_attachment" {

    attachment_type = "paravirtualized"
    instance_id = "${}"
    volume_id = "${}"
    display_name = "Test Volume Attachment"

Hi @ASG-Github-Admin!

I think the problem here is in your output "instance" for expression:

output "instance" {
    value = {
        for instance in oci_core_instance.test-instance:
        instance => instance

instance in there is an object value, so it can’t be used as a map key: map keys can only be strings.

Since you’re using for_each with oci_core_instance.test-instance anyway, its value is already a map with string keys you could potentially return directly:

output "instance" {
    value = oci_core_instance.test-instance

If the strings from var.display_name are not suitable keys to return, you can use a for expression to transform it like you already tried but you’ll need to select a specific string attribute from the object to use as the key. For example:

output "instance" {
    value = {
        for instance in oci_core_instance.test-instance: => instance

I used the id attribute in the above example because I’m not really familiar with oci_core_instance and so I don’t know what might serve as a good identifier otherwise. However, I will caution that because id is a value not known until apply time it may not be a good key to use if you intend to use this map result as the for_each expression for some other resource; for_each requires that all of the map keys be known at plan time, and so your display names would be a better candidate for that.

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Thanks for taking the time to respond to me.