Terraform Azure CDN profile with multiple endpoint configs

I am using a single Azure CDN profile with multiple endpoints. Not all endpoints will use all the same features. This however is causing me to have the errors below (if I create a new CDN profile with my endpoint there will be no issue but this is not the desired outcome):


resource "azurerm_cdn_endpoint" "cdn-endpoint" {
  count = length(var.endpoints)
  name                = var.endpoints[count.index].cdn_endpoint_name
  profile_name        = azurerm_cdn_profile.cdn-profile.name
  location            = var.location
  resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
  is_http_allowed = false

origin {
  name      = var.endpoints[count.index].cdn_endpoint_origin_name
  host_name = var.endpoints[count.index].cdn_endpoint_hostname
delivery_rule {
  name  = var.endpoints[count.index].cdn_endpoint_delivery_rule_name
  order = var.endpoints[count.index].cdn_endpoint_delivery_rule_order

  request_scheme_condition {
    operator     = var.endpoints[count.index].cdn_endpoint_request_operator
    match_values = var.endpoints[count.index].cdn_endpoint_request_match_values
url_redirect_action {
  redirect_type = var.endpoints[count.index].cdn_endpoint_redirect_type
  protocol      = var.endpoints[count.index].cdn_endpoint_redirect_protocol
  hostname      = var.endpoints[count.index].cdn_endpoint_redirect_hostname
  path          = var.endpoints[count.index].cdn_endpoint_redirect_path


variable "endpoints" {
  type = list(object({
    cdn_endpoint_name                 = string
    cdn_endpoint_origin_name          = string
    cdn_endpoint_hostname             = string
    cdn_custom_domain_host_name       = string
    cdn_endpoint_delivery_rule_name   = string
    cdn_endpoint_delivery_rule_order  = string
    cdn_endpoint_request_operator     = string
    cdn_endpoint_request_match_values = list(string)
    cdn_endpoint_redirect_type        = string
    cdn_endpoint_redirect_protocol    = string
    cdn_endpoint_redirect_hostname    = string
    cdn_endpoint_redirect_path        = string


cdn = [
    cdn_profile_name = "cdn-profile1",

    endpoints = [
            cdn_endpoint_name = "endpoint1",
            cdn_endpoint_origin_name = "origin1-endpoint",
            cdn_endpoint_hostname = "sendgrid.net",
            cdn_custom_domain_host_name = "test.customdomain.com",
            cdn_endpoint_delivery_rule_name = null,
            cdn_endpoint_delivery_rule_order = null,
            cdn_endpoint_request_operator = null,
            cdn_endpoint_request_match_values = null,
            cdn_endpoint_redirect_type =  null,
            cdn_endpoint_redirect_protocol = null,
            cdn_endpoint_redirect_hostname = null,
            cdn_endpoint_redirect_path = null
            cdn_endpoint_name = "endpoint2",
            create_custom_domain_resource = "1",
            cdn_endpoint_origin_name = "origin2-endpoint",
            cdn_endpoint_hostname = "moo.blob.core.windows.net",
            cdn_custom_domain_host_name = "customdomain.com",
            cdn_endpoint_delivery_rule_name = "Rule1",
            cdn_endpoint_delivery_rule_order = "1",
            cdn_endpoint_request_operator = "Equal",
            cdn_endpoint_request_match_values = ["HTTP"],
            cdn_endpoint_redirect_type =  "Found",
            cdn_endpoint_redirect_protocol = "Http",
            cdn_endpoint_redirect_hostname = "moo.blob.core.windows.net",
            cdn_endpoint_redirect_path = "/moo/moo.txt"


When I do a terraform plan

 Planning Terraform project deployment
│ Error: Missing required argument
│   with module.cdn[0].azurerm_cdn_endpoint.cdn-endpoint[4],
│   on modules/cdn/main.tf line 23, in resource "azurerm_cdn_endpoint" "cdn-endpoint":
│   23:     name  = var.endpoints[count.index].cdn_endpoint_delivery_rule_name
│ The argument "delivery_rule.0.name" is required, but no definition was found.

Only the following vars are giving the above error


What would be the best approach on how to tackle this issue? I would rather not setup another CDN profile as I want to limit it to a single CDN profile for all CDN endpoints.