Terraform Cloud + Vault + envconsul - Soooo Close to Working

I’m so close to making Terraform Cloud and Vault with envconsul work in a CI pipeline, but hitting one roadblock. Any ideas?

All secrets are in Vault including TF Cloud token. Now I need to get that to terraform to terraform init.

So far I have envconsul authenticating to Vault and able to pull a secret TF_CLI_CONFIG that has credentials "app.terraform.io" { token = "bla_bla_bla" }

Problem 1) terraform cannot pull config from an env variable. I tried TFE_TOKEN. Nope.

Problem 2) envconsul cannot write an env variable to a file. I tried envconsul echo > .terraformrc . echo doesn’t work, don’t know why.

I found one thing but seems to still run into the same problem with envconsul.

terraform init -reconfigure -backend-config="token=${TF_CLOUD_TOKEN}" seems to work.

But when trying to use envconsul to bring in the value of TF_CLOUD_TOKEN the value is blank. The same as envconsul echo $TF_CLOUD_TOKEN

envconsul -once -config .vault/envconsul.hcl terraform init -reconfigure -backend-config="token=${TF_CLOUD_TOKEN}"

I’m getting closer, but the problem has shifted.

This works!!! (with an exception)

export $(envconsul -once -pristine -config .vault/envconsul.hcl env)
terraform init -reconfigure -backend-config="token=${TF_CLOUD_TOKEN}"

My GCP creds are a big mess of json. They are passed in via GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS from Vault. No problem, but now the command export $(envconsul -once -pristine -config .vault/envconsul.hcl env) is throwing an error because of the multi-line output from GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS.

output of envconsul…

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "bla-bla-bla",

shell reports /bin/sh: export: line 117: "type":: bad variable name

This is what I settled on and it’s working . Maybe someone has better ideas. I would love to hear it.

export $(envconsul -no-prefix -once -pristine -secret=secret/infrastructure/terraform env)
alias terraform="envconsul -once -config .vault/envconsul.hcl terraform"
terraform init -reconfigure -backend-config="token=${TF_CLOUD_TOKEN}"
terraform plan
terraform apply

The things I don’t love about this are:

  1. I didn’t want to call out a secret in this script because I wanted all config to come from the file, so each project could define their own secret needs.
  2. To make execution easy, I use the alias. But this means that only the terraform command has access to the secrets unless you call out envconsul directly.
  3. I like envconsul for the ability to keep secrets a bit more save, vs. just putting them into an env var. This is not true for the TF_CLOUD_TOKEN.

I wonder why secrets are not available to the command being executed?

You should use consul-template to write to file.

Have you thought about enabling Vault GCP Secrets backend to enable dynamic secrets.

and then in the TF GCP provider you should use something like this:

data "vault_generic_secret" "gcp_creds" {
    path = "secret/gcp/roleset"

provider "google" {
  project          = "my-project-id"
  access_token     = data.vault_generic_secret.gcp_creds.data

Saves you from trying to work around the issue.