TERRAFORM gcloud instance image


I have a gcloud instance snapshot (you can view it in the annexed file (ls-snapshot.png)

I want to import it and use it in a google_compute_instance like the code below,

resource "google_compute_instance" "servers" {

    count = var.count_server

    name = "server-${count.index + 1}"

    machine_type = "-------"

    zone = "--------"

    allow_stopping_for_update = "true"

    tags = [ "server",  "private-access" ]

    labels = {

        "name" = "server-${count.index + 1}"

        "type" = "server"


    boot_disk {

        initialize_params {

            image = var.ubuntu_2004_sku



    network_interface {

        network = var.vpc_name

        subnetwork = var.vpc_subnet_private_name

        network_ip = "0.0.0.${count.index + 2}"


    service_account {

        scopes = ["userinfo-email", "compute-ro", "storage-ro", "cloud-platform"]

        email = "terraform-sa@---------.iam.gserviceaccount.com"



How can I make that happen?