Terraform Provider OIDC Claim Support

Hey Guys,

are there any plans to upgrade the terraform/boundary provider to support the new claim-maps and claim-scopes settings for oidc?

would be awesome :slight_smile:


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Thanks for submitting this. We are working on this and will have an update for it soon.

Update for the claim maps: Add account claim maps to OIDC auth method by malnick · Pull Request #111 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-boundary · GitHub

Update for claims scopes: Add claim scopes attribute by malnick · Pull Request #112 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-boundary · GitHub

Both should be merged by EOD today, thanks for raising this!

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Hi Malnick,

thanks for updating the claims feature. Are there plan to update the official Registry Boundary Provider?

Would be easier than cloning and building from source.


Hi @TiHoll,

Louis from the Boundary team here. Sorry about dropping the ball and not releasing a interim TF provider with these changes! We have a release schedule for next week that will include these changes.