Terraform provider schema documentation

Hi - I’ve been working on something to generate terraform based on the provider schema output. I’ve found a file in json format in my working directory that has all the AWS resources along with human readable descriptions of each attribute, but I have no idea where or how I generated it and I would love to know.

Please note, this isn’t the usual “terraform providers schema -json” output.

Does anyone know how to generate this?

The first few lines look like this:
“aws_ami”: {
“args”: [
“name”: “name”,
“description”: “- (Required) A region-unique name for the AMI.”
“name”: “description”,
“description”: “- (Optional) A longer, human-readable description for the AMI.”
“name”: “root_device_name”,
“description”: “- (Optional) The name of the root device (for example, /dev/sda1, or /dev/xvda).”
“name”: “virtualization_type”,
“description”: “- (Optional) Keyword to choose what virtualization mode created instances”