Terraform Repository Branching Changes for v0.15

Hi all,

Today we’ve started the prerelease period for Terraform v0.15.0, and so as usual v0.15 development has forked from the main branch into the v0.15 release branch. This means that by default any new additions will be targeted at the next major release, aside from bug fixes which we explicitly elect to backport. (Changes in response to feedback during the beta period will typically be backported for inclusion in the final v0.15.0 release, of course.)

This branch switch also has an unusual additional component this time: immediately after v0.15 development moved to the v0.15 branch we also renamed our main branch, formerly known as master, to now be known as main. All open pull requests against the main branch have been updated to refer to the new name, but if you have a local clone of the Terraform repository then you will need to perform some migration steps to switch your local branch names to match the remote. The next time you access the repository index page in GitHub you should see a pop-up panel with some typical migration instructions.