Terraform version for SSO Identity store


I am trying to do an import of the existing IAM identity centre resources(SSO formerly).


Is there any documentation somehwere which points to which Terraform version is compatible for this?

Is there a reason you cannot use the latest provider?

Yes, our org is not using the latest version, and it will take some time for it to be updated. Hence, need to check the compatibility of the terraform version (0.12.18) that we use for this AWS service.

@shanzyleon96 What is the link that you have posted?

Seems like some people are using generic answers (perhaps AI-generated) to promote links for their own personal gain. Avoid clicking on links that seem unrelated to the topic.

To answer your question, the aforementioned resource (aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment) was introduced in Terraform AWS Provider version 3.24.0 via this PR.

Thanks @macmiranda, I have got it working now.

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To find documentation about the compatibility of Terraform versions with the AWS SSO account assignment resource, you should refer to the Terraform AWS Provider documentation on the Terraform Registry. Specifically, check the version history or the requirements section of the aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment resource page. This information is usually included at the beginning of the documentation for each resource. You can access it at: Terraform AWS Provider Documentation.