when runnign cdktf deploy
, getting this error:
│ Error: Missing required argument
│ with aws_security_group.SecurityGroup (SecurityGroup),
│ on cdk.tf.json line 279, in resource.aws_security_group.SecurityGroup (SecurityGroup):
│ 279: "egress": [
│ 280: {
│ 281: "cidr_blocks": null,
│ 282: "description": null,
│ 283: "from_port": null,
│ 284: "ipv6_cidr_blocks": null,
│ 285: "prefix_list_ids": null,
│ 286: "protocol": "-1",
│ 287: "security_groups": null,
│ 288: "self": null,
│ 289: "to_port": null
│ 290: }
│ 291: ],
│ The argument "egress.0.from_port" is required, but no definition was found.
│ Error: Missing required argument
│ with aws_security_group.SecurityGroup (SecurityGroup),
│ on cdk.tf.json line 279, in resource.aws_security_group.SecurityGroup (SecurityGroup):
│ 279: "egress": [
│ 280: {
│ 281: "cidr_blocks": null,
│ 282: "description": null,
│ 283: "from_port": null,
│ 284: "ipv6_cidr_blocks": null,
│ 285: "prefix_list_ids": null,
│ 286: "protocol": "-1",
│ 287: "security_groups": null,
│ 288: "self": null,
│ 289: "to_port": null
│ 290: }
│ 291: ],
│ The argument "egress.0.to_port" is required, but no definition was found.
the code (Python 3.9):
sg = aws.security_group.SecurityGroup(self, "SecurityGroup",
description="Allow internal access and outbound public access",
egress=[{"protocol": "-1", "from_port": 0, "to_port": 0,
"cidr_blocks": [""]}],
tags={"Name": config["vpc"]["sec_grp_name"]})
cdktf --version
terraform -v
Terraform v1.8.5
on darwin_arm64
Any thoughts?