Ubuntu Server build on Apple Silicon Mac with VMWare Fusion

I am trying to build an Ubuntu Server VM with Packer using VMWare Fusion (13.5) on an Apple Silicon (M3 Pro) MacBook Pro, running macOS 14.4. The VM launches but it appears that Packer is unable to send any boot commands over VNC. The Packer logs indicate the commands have been sent and that Packer is awaiting SSH access, but the VM remains on the initial screen indefinitely. Here is my Packer file:

packer {
  required_plugins {
    vmware = {
      version = "~> 1"
      source  = "github.com/hashicorp/vmware"

source "vmware-iso" "packer-test" {
  iso_url      = "file:///Users/davidgrew/Operating Systems/ubuntu-22.04.4-live-server-arm64.iso"
  iso_checksum = "md5:fe0a9fb336efc6142cea65e596651f84"

  vm_name       = "packer-test"
  guest_os_type = "arm-ubuntu-64"
  version       = "21"
  headless      = false

  memory       = 4096 
  cpus         = 2
  cores        = 2
  disk_adapter_type = "nvme"

  http_directory   = "http"
  ssh_username     = ""
  ssh_password     = ""
  shutdown_command = "sudo shutdown -P now"

  boot_wait = "5s"
  boot_command = [

build {
  name = "packer-test"
  sources = [

Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong.

I think I’ve solved my own question. It appears that USB must be enabled for the VNC connection to work. After adding “usb = true” Packer is now able to control the new VM.