Hey Guys,
I am using Hashicorp Vault version v1.0.2. We have an integration with Okta. I want to view the existing Okta users and group but I am not able to see.
I have already tried these HTTP calls
curl --header “X-Vault-Token: abc” https://vault-domain:8200/v1/auth/okta/users
This user call doesn’t work
In GUI, there is access tab but no groups information.
The terraform file looks like this
resource “A” “B” {
path = “okta”
group_name = “grp”
policies = [“pol1”, “pol2”]
But I am not able to check this configuration from the vault box and GUI.
Can anyone assist me to add new okta group to a policy without breaking anything as vault overwrites the files
Yes, I already tried LIST operations as well.
$ curl --header “X-Vault-Token: abc” --request LIST https://vault:8200/v1/auth/okta/users
It doesn’t work.
I tried from command line as well-
vault read auth/okta/users/ but it didn’t work as well.
I tried list with this too
vault list auth/okta/
No value found at auth/okta/
vault list auth/okta/users/
No value found at auth/okta/users/
If I have to see the complete configuration that was created for vault-okta configuration then is there any way to see it ?
To see the complete configuration, vault read auth/okta/config. I suspect it might not be configured? The configuration steps at https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/auth/okta#configuration are working for me using Vault 1.4.0. I also tested with 0.11.0, this version works too. What Vault version are you working with? Here is my setup:
The issue is that whatever “vault write auth/okta/groups/scientists policies=nuclear-reactor” command configures in the system, There is no way to see that from GUI, HTTP API and CLI.
Only few commands work like config, policy. I can update the policy but cannot see the okta group mapping with the policy.
Okta group mapping with policy has already been configured previously.
My use case is to add another Okta group with the new policy that I created but I am not able to see the previously configured data.
I want to see the output like -
vault list auth/okta/groups/policy // Which can tell me that which Okta group is associated with which policy.
I can see the groups and policy separately but no mapping.