Upgrade version

can we upgrade the consul version from 1.0.2 to v1.61. or latest skipping the other versions between them .

Hi @rajanikanthsingh,

Thanks for posting, and Welcome to the forums! I apologize for the long wait time on a response.

Consul provides upgrade documentation. It is NOT recommended to skip versions, as there are some major changes, outlined in the versions doc.. Some specifics to watch out for, which I outline next.

Please note, the following list is NOT exhaustive, but I wanted to point out some potential gotchas on the upgrade path:

1.1.0 - Affects HealthChecks
1.4.0 - Introduces a New ACL system
1.7.0 - A very large point upgrade, great for stability.
1.8 - The latest ;D

Keep in mind, the above list is not definitive - I highly recommend reading through both pages thoroughly :slight_smile:

I hope this helps!