Do consul possess an upper limit on number of consul watches?
I am creating 200 watcher and i am getting EOF error repeatedly while firing any consul CLI commands and then disconnection takes place. on consul logs i am seeing “too many files open” error while getting my consul up itself.
for 150 entries i’m good to keep a watch and provide update on an HTTP endpoint.
Setup : 3 node consul agents in server mode were running. configuration file tries to register 200 Key watchers on KVs when one consul agent boots up.
consul put response when system stops responding
[rajkumar]# consul kv put new one
Error! Failed writing data: Put EOF
consul get command error
[rajkumar]# consul kv get key14 Error querying Consul agent: Get read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
consul agent process logs after boot up. I have created 500 watches in config file.
@rajkumarpatel2602 Have you solve this problem, I have exactly met the same one. I have 1000 watch, and there many “EOF” and “connection reset by peer” in log when accessing consul kv. But the ulimit in my container is about 1million. I do not know why it happened.