I need your help. I am trying to use workspaces for differentiating environments, plus ssm_parameter to store configuration to be shared.
For example:
On one repo:
resource “aws_ssm_parameter” “cluster_name” {
name = “${terraform.workspace}-cluster-name”
type = “String”
value = aws_ecs_cluster.main.name
which creates the paramter production-cluster-name on Parameter Store
and on the other repo when I try to retrieve it:
data "aws_ssm_parameter" "cluster_name" {
name = "${terraform.workspace}-cluster-name"
It complains with:
*Error: Error describing SSM parameter: ParameterNotFound: *
status code: 400, request id: 49a02e8a-8974-4504-a1a4-e52593b7657a
on inputs.tf line 1, in data “aws_ssm_parameter” “cluster_name”:
1: data “aws_ssm_parameter” “cluster_name” {
There is something basic I am not getting.
Thanks in advance