I am new to hashicorp vault. Recently I installed a vault on one of my Linux servers. I tried adding some secrets using vault kv put test-key/aws/s3-objects secret=xxxxxx
Now I want my vault to move from the current server to another. For that, I have referred to many docs related to it. Unfortunately, I am finding those steps more complicated and unable to proceed with the migration.
Also found the below steps which I feel to try, but still facing an issue:
1) Seal the old vault , Stop Vault
2) Started the new Vault Server (Didn't initialize as said)
3) Create migrate.hcl script
storage_source "file" {
path = "/vault/data/file"
storage_destination "consul" {
address = "consul:8500"
path = "vault/"
4) Run the vault operator migrate -config=migrate.hcl
5) Initialise and Unseal Vault
6) Success in migration but no secrets transferred
I amconfused, as I am not sure with the above steps, will I be able to move the entire vault from my server A to server B? Also I tried to take a backup first, but ended up with the error as below:
consul snapshot save backup.snap
Error saving snapshot: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused