I have installed vault as STS with csi driver enabled as I needed to inject the secrets as environment variables and it is working fine.
In the process of testing different scenarios, I deleted the vault-0 pod and after it was up, I noticed 403 error(authentication failed) from the vault api server. I updated the authentication config with the newly generated serviceaccount token and it worked fine afterwards.
vault write auth/kubernetes/config \
issuer="https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local" \
token_reviewer_jwt="$(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token)" \
kubernetes_host="https://$KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR:443" \
So my question is how to automate this? Does kubernetes has a TTL for serviceaccount tokens? Can I set this to longer period? Can I use some static servicetoken for just vault?