Vault with storage backend ha Postgresql returns an error "storage migration check error"

Hi everyone,

Since a few days, i’m working on Vault in HA mode.
After trying with Consul (with success), i’m now trying with postgresql as a storage backend (still in HA).
But, no matter what I’m doing, it’s still not working and when I start Vault, it returns : storage migration check error: error=“pq: relation “vault_kv_store” does not exist” - I could undersand it if the table “vault_kv_store” was absent…but I created it.

Let me share the vault config file :

“listener”: {
“address”: “”,
“cluster_address”: “”,
“tls_disable”: 1
“storage”: {
“postgresql”: {
“connection_url”: “postgres://postgres:pw@”,
“ha_enabled”: “true”,
“table”: “vault_kv_store”,
“ha_table”: “vault_ha_locks”
“storage_ha”: {
“postgresql”: {
“connection_url”: “postgres://postgres:pw@”,
“table”: “vault_kv_store”
“ui”: true,
“api_addr”: “”,
“cluster_addr”: “”

and the screenshot below from my postgresql database :

I don’t know what I missing, if somebody could help me, it would great :slight_smile:

any updates on this ?