Waypoint deploy -> Has no successful operations


I launched succefully my deployment from controller but now when I duplicate exact same project and I change the name of project in waypoint.hcl for myproject-test it’s doesn’t work even when project is created previously via Waypoint UI.
I have this error when I use waypoint deploy -remote ( cannot use waypoint up no docker installed on controller but i think this not the origin of my issue)

! No application named “myproject-test” is available, or application
** has no successful operations**

project = “myproject-test”

Labels can be specified for organizational purposes.

labels = { “domaine” = “***” }

runner {
enabled = true
poll {
enabled = false
interval = “24h”

An application to deploy.

app “myproject-test” {

build {
    use "docker-pull" {
        image = "***"
        tag   = "*.*.*"
        disable_entrypoint = true

# Deploy to Nomad
deploy {
    use "nomad-jobspec" {
        jobspec = templatefile("${path.app}/***.nomad.tpl", {
            datacenter = var.datacenter
            user_java_opts = var.user_java_opts
            image = "***"
            tag = "3.15.7"
            min_count = var.min_count
            max_count = var.max_count
            cooldown = var.cooldown
            seuil_scale_in = var.seuil_scale_in
            seuil_scale_out = var.seuil_scale_out


variable “datacenter” {
type = string
default = “***”

variable “user_java_opts” {
type = string
default = “”

Any idea ?

Is this related to your post about running build on runners?

Hey @rabah.devops , it sounds like you just need to run a build first! :slight_smile: The deploy stanza is expecting a build to have been run. It sounds like you my have duplicated the project, but not yet run waypoint build after duplicating.