Waypoint deploy jobs to Nomad cluster with ACL

Hi all!
I hope someone can help me because I can’t get my head around this :frowning:
So we have Nomad Cluster with ACL enabled. Currently, we use terraform to deploy our apps to Nomad, but we are searching for a better solution for the dev team to make local deployments and the application support team to run the same code for releases.
So I’m trying Waypoint. I created a waypoint.hcl that can build the application and store it in our registry. I also have a job.hcl file for this app. So my idea is to use stanza use "nomad-jobspec", because we have hcl files for all our apps, so there is no need to rewrite all deployments.
But after I run waypoint run on deploy, I get Unexpected response code: 403 (Permission denied). I have NOMAD_TOKEN env var is set in the runner and in project settings on the Waypoint project.

My waypoint.hcl

project = "echo-test-poject"
variable server_address {
 type = string
 default = ""
 description = "address of docker registry"
variable contour {
 type = string
 description = "what contour use to deploy"
variable namespace {
 type = string
 description = "namespace for job"
variable datacenters {
 type = string
 description = "in what datacenter deploy will go"
variable region {
 type = string
 description = "region for job"
variable "sleep" {
 default = 30
 type = number
 description = "time to sleep in seconds"
variable "print" {
 default = "LOUD"
 type = string
 description = "time to sleep in seconds"
runner {
 enabled = true
 data_source "git" {
 url = ""
 username = ""
 password = ""
app "echo-app" {
 labels = {
 "service" = "example-shell",
 "env" = "dev"
 build {
 use "docker" {
 disable_entrypoint = false
 buildkit = false
 dockerfile = "Dockerfile_echo"
 registry {
 use "docker" {
 encoded_auth = filebase64("${path.app}/dockerAuth.json")
 image = "${var.server_address}/devops/documentation/waypoint/echo-app"
 tag = gitrefpretty()
 local = false

 deploy {
 use "nomad-jobspec" {
 jobspec = "${path.app}/echo.hcl"

My echo.hcl

variable server_address {
 type = string
 default = ""
 description = "address of docker registry"
variable contour {
 type = string
 description = "what contour use to deploy"
variable namespace {
 type = string
 description = "namespace for job"
variable datacenters {
 type = string
 description = "in what datacenter deploy will go"
variable region {
 type = string
 description = "region for job"
variable username {
 type = string
 default = ""
 description = "username of deploy token"
variable password {
 type = string
 default = ""
 description = "deploy token"
job "echo-app" {
 namespace = "${var.namespace}"
 region = "${var.region}"
 datacenters = ["${var.datacenters}"]
 type = "service"
 update {
 max_parallel = 1
 min_healthy_time = "1m"
 health_check = "task_states"
 auto_revert = false
 group "echo-test-apps" {

 reschedule {
 attempts = 5
 interval = "1h"
 delay = "50s"
 delay_function = "exponential"
 max_delay = "120s"
 unlimited = false
 constraint {
 attribute = "class"
 value = "${var.contour}"
 restart {
 attempts = 5
 delay = "15s"
 interval = "10m"
 mode = "fail"
 count = 1
 task "app" {
 driver = "docker"
 resources {
 cpu = 50
 memory = 50
 logs {
 max_files = 1
 max_file_size = 1
 config {
 auth {
 username = "${var.username}"
 password = "${var.password}"
 server_address = "${var.server_address}"
 image = "${artifact.image}:${artifact.tag}"

Workflow of what I’m doing

  1. Make local changes in the code
  2. Push them to repo
  3. Run waypoint up -local=false -var "contour=dev" -var "namespace=dev" -var "datacenters=DC1" -var "region=global"
  4. Get Unexpected response code: 403 (Permission denied) :exploding_head:

I hope someone had a similar problem and maybe can point me in the right direction :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance, and have a nice day!

Here is a minor update about my problem. I rechecked everything and found that my static waypoint runner had the wrong NOMAD_TOKEN. But after fixing it, I’m getting a new error Deploying echo-app... ! current user is not authenticated
and need help understanding the problem.

So what I have found.
If I set NOMAD_TOKEN as the environment variable for the waypoint static runner, it falls deployment with ! current user is not authenticated, but if I unset NOMAD_TOKEN as the environment variable and set it with waypoint config set -runner -workspace-scope=prod NOMAD_TOKEN=123abc deployment falls with
! Unexpected response code: 403 (Permission denied)
And if I set NOMAD_TOKEN=123abc as an environment variable on my local machine, it will perfectly deploy the job to the Nomad cluster.

Hey, @DziubaMaksym, thanks for the additional information on your setup. Please see my reply on your Github Issue.