"waypoint deploy" not injecting WAYPOINT_* vars

I’m trying to deploy to Nomad using waypoint and the WAYPOINT_* variables are not being injected so the entrypoint can talk back to the server.

This is the deploy stanza:

deploy {
  use "nomad" {
    datacenter = var.nomad_datacenter
    service_port = 3000

All that is being set is the following:


I can manually set them in the static_environment and things work, but it’s not a great experience:

deploy {
  use "nomad" {
    datacenter = var.nomad_datacenter
    static_environment = {
      WAYPOINT_SERVER_ADDR = "<server_address>:9701"
      WAYPOINT_CEB_INVITE_TOKEN ="<invite token>"
    service_port = 3000

Deployment Details:

The waypoint server is running in Nomad and is fronted by an AWS NLB for both ports 9701 and 9702.

The server and the client are both version v0.6.3

Any ideas?

I finally figured this out. For some reason the server config vars were not set on install. I was able to solve my problem with the following:

waypoint server config-set \
    -advertise-addr=<the server addr> \
    -advertise-tls-skip-verify=true \
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Hi @dwanek,

Glad you sorted it out. This is particularly annoying when installing to nomad because we don’t currently have a default address to use, and so folks run into this.

We’re discussing at least providing better feedback about this so folks aren’t confused why the entrypoints aren’t connecting.