Web Trellis Roots IO Project - vagrant.defaults.yml


I am using Vagrant as part of a set of scripts and tools (including trellis - roots.io, ansible, and yml playbooks) to create and prepare VMs for testing.

The files and scripts and everything creates a vagrant VirtualBox VM that uses vboxnet0 with the ip address.

However, it appears that there is a way when I created VM Boxes manually with VirtualBox where I created a bridged interface - basically allowing the VM to live natively on my network.

Can anyone point me to how I may accomplish this with the YML playbook files and ansible setup?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Here is the files:

vagrant_ip: ''
vagrant_cpus: 2
vagrant_memory: 4096 # in MB
vagrant_box: 'bento/ubuntu-24.04'
vagrant_box_version: '>= 0'
vagrant_ansible_version: '2.10.7'
vagrant_skip_galaxy: false
vagrant_mount_type: 'nfs'
vagrant_nfs_udp: false
vagrant_require_version: '>= 2.4.0'

vagrant_install_plugins: true
  - name: vagrant-bindfs
  - name: vagrant-hostmanager

And the