Windows 11 Hyper-V VM configuration version 9.0 and not 11.0

I am working on Windows 11 Pro and use Vagrant to spin up single virtual machines.
For some reason all the VM’s I spin using Vagrant on Hyper-V seems to be configured with VM configuration version 9.0 while on Windows 11 Pro the supported configuration version is 11.0.

I am trying to find out why the current Hyper-V provider results in a 9.0 configuration version for the newly created VM.
I have tried to peek at the PS code of the Hyper-V provider on the public repo but not sure what is the root cause yet since it’s a bit long code and hard for me to follow, so I am looking for hints.

There are two options for Vagrant(latest 2.3.7) to create a VM either using an XML configuration file or using some other calls.
I am not sure what if an XML file is being used or VMCX calls.
I have a vm “spin” code in PS that do create a 11.0 configuration version VM.
Any help would help.

To configure a Hyper-V virtual machine (VM) with version 11.0 on Windows 11, you’ll need to ensure that your Hyper-V feature is enabled and then follow these steps:

  1. Open Hyper-V Manager:
  • Press the Windows key, type “Hyper-V Manager,” and press Enter to open the Hyper-V Manager application.
  1. Create a New Virtual Machine:
  • In Hyper-V Manager, click on How long will airbrush tattoo last “Action” in the menu bar, and then select “New” > “Virtual Machine” to open the New Virtual Machine Wizard.
  1. Specify Virtual Machine Name and Location:
  • In the New Virtual Machine Wizard, click “Next” to proceed.
  • Enter a name for your virtual machine and choose a location to store its files. Click “Next” to continue.