1.4.0 breaks my workflow

There were changes in 1.4.0 that introduced http_interface and http_bind_address.

I’m running packer in a container and using vsphere_iso. I use http_ip so that vSphere can talk back to packer. This IP is not available inside the container and is not the bind IP. It’s the IP of the VM the container is running on. This was working before 1.3.0

In 1.4.0 I’m getting:

 error using IP address is not assigned to an interface

I do not want packer to use this address for binding, so the fact that it is not assigned to an interface is irrelevant.

How do I fix my configuration to work with 1.4.0 as it used with 1.3.0?


This was resolved in v1.4.1 and noted in the releases.