Boundary desktop(1.4.3) SSH problem occurred

I get an error when trying to SSH after boundary desktop version is updated to 1.4.3.

kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer

If I use the boundary cli it’s ok.
The boundary version is 0.7.4.

hey @x980707x is your cli working? Actually when I try to open the cli, it does not open,do you have any idea realted to that, When i try using cmd i am facing the same issue of ssh_exchange_identification

Occurs when the version of the boundary binary used by the boundary server and the desktop is different. Occurs when the binary version is a higher version.

@x980707x My boundary version is 0.7.6 and desktop version 1.4.3,So what should I do?

I experienced an error when the DESKTOP CLIENT version does not match the boundary server version.

If you lower the DESKTOP CLIENT version or lower the boundary server version, you will be able to connect normally.

@x980707x my boundary binary version is 0.9.0 and desktop version 1.4.4 ,still the same issue