I’m trying to upgrade API’s from dot net framework version 5 → 6. When applying this change in terraform I’m provided with the following error:
Error: expected site_config.0.dotnet_framework_version to be one of [v2.0 v4.0 v5.0], got v6.0.
I have upgraded to newest version of terraform 1.1.14, but still get this error.
I’m running:
Terraform v1.1.4
on windows_amd64
- provider Terraform Registry v1.6.0
- provider Terraform Registry v2.62.1
- provider Terraform Registry v3.1.0
with script:
site_config {
dotnet_framework_version = "v6.0"
linux_fx_version = "DOTNETCORE|6.0"
Anyone able to guide me in the right direction ?