Cisco ASA provider ACL vs OG

Hi, anyone using Cisco ASA provider for creating ACL’s with group-objects? It doesn’t work for me but I’m not sure if it should. From the provider code it looks like the rule accepts only single value. Any thoughts?

resource "ciscoasa_network_service_group" "gdc-wl-ports-test" {

  members = [

data "external" "allips" {

  program = ["bash", "" ]


resource "ciscoasa_network_object_group" "all-gdc-ips"{

  members = [
    for k,v in data.external.allips.result: v

resource "ciscoasa_acl" "raw-perimeter-filter-test" {
  rule {
    source              = ciscoasa_network_object_group.all-gdc-ips.value
    destination         = ""
    destination_service = ciscoasa_network_service_group.gdc-wl-ports-test.value

~/terrasa$ terraform apply 

Error: Unsupported attribute

  on line 51, in resource "ciscoasa_acl" "raw-perimeter-filter-test":
  51:     source              = ciscoasa_network_object_group.all-gdc-ips.value

This object has no argument, nested block, or exported attribute named

Error: Unsupported attribute

  on line 53, in resource "ciscoasa_acl" "raw-perimeter-filter-test":
  53:     destination_service = ciscoasa_network_service_group.gdc-wl-ports-test.value

This object has no argument, nested block, or exported attribute named