Is there a link that explains the compatibility between Vault chart version and vault/sdk and vault/api versions? Thanks
Did you mean to include “chart”?
The relationship between the version of the Helm chart and the default version of Vault that it installs (it can be overridden) is one thing.
The versions used (if not overridden) by any given version of the chart can be relatively easily looked up by referring to the appropriate tag of
The relationship between the main Vault version and the versioning of the api and sdk Go modules is another unrelated thing.
I am not aware of any good resource that explains this… to the point that I was reverse-engineering it from Git history yesterday.
I left the details on my laptop at home, but roughly speaking, it appears that release practices have varied a bit from version to version, but in recent times, a new version seems to be tagged on the main branch around the time each new Vault release series branches from main.
It’s not so great that there is no explicit changelog for these libraries, but they are not closely coupled to specific Vault versions (other than needing be versions for new features), so most of the time, just using whatever the latest tag is when you write new code or consider upgrading, should work out OK.
Thanks for the answer. I was looking for the relationship between the main Vault version and the versioning of the api and sdk Go modules.
I want to use vault version v1.10.3 and i want to know which api and sdk Go modules are compatible with it. Thanks
As I said, they are not closely coupled to Vault versions, so you should start development using the latest available tags.
Thanks. I get some errors using the latest version, so I would like to try older versions…
What errors? Please post them.
Thanks. We resolved the errors by upgrading another component.
For future readers: New documentation about Vault `api` and `sdk` versions