Consul-ESM Unexpected response code: 405 (method GET not allowed)

Hi! I am getting the following error while trying to run the Consul-ESM plugin:

Unexpected response code: 405 (method GET not allowed)

The only edited parameter is CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR=“
Consul Version: 1.10.4
Consul ESM versions I tried to run:

On the Consul side, I see the next error in the logs:
[ERROR] agent.http: Request error: method=GET url=/v1/agent/service/register from={my_ip} error=“method GET not allowed”

Full output from the machine that I am trying to use as a Consul-ESM:

Consul ESM running!
Datacenter: “dc1”
Service: “consul-esm”
Service Tag: “test”
Service ID: “consul-esm:test”
Node Reconnect Timeout: “72h0m0s”
Disable coordinates: false
Statsd address: “”
Metrix prefix: “”
Log data will now stream in as it occurs:
Unexpected response code: 405 (method GET not allowed)