Consul ESM v0.5.0 Release

Hi everyone,

We’ve just released Consul ESM v0.5.0. This release includes a lot of great new features from our community as well as a couple of bug fixes.

As always, please test in an isolated environment before upgrading. A huge thank you to the community for all of their contributions!

Thank you,

Consul API Tooling Team


  • Add metrics support with configurable telemetry block. [GH-67]
  • Add configurable http endpoint to expose telemetry metrics. [GH-90, GH-89]
  • Support anti-flapping with configuration options passing_threshold and critical_threshold. [GH-78, GH-50]
  • Update caught signal log from info-level to debug-level. [GH-79]
  • Improve flaky tests. [GH-80]
  • Add mTLS support for HTTPS checks with configuration options https_ca_file, https_ca_path, https_cert_file, and https_key_file. [GH-81, GH-72]


  • Remove checking status when syncing checks, which can cause flapping. [GH-83]
  • Reduce goroutines used in external-probe ping. [GH-85]


  • Fix outdated “Consul ACL Policies” to include operator = “read” needed for 0.4.0 feature to check ESM and Consul version compatibility. [GH-75 & GH-91, GH-74]
  • New documentation on finer-grained ACL policies and context on how each ACL is used. [GH-76, GH-77]