Consul-Terraform-Sync v0.4.0 OSS and Enterprise

Hi all,

We’ve just released Consul-Terraform-Sync v0.4.0 and v0.4.0+ent.

Notable features in this release are:

  • (Enterprise only) Integration with Terraform Cloud for remote operations
  • Monitoring and triggering tasks based on Consul KV changes
  • Triggering tasks on a schedule
  • Source input configuration for scheduled tasks

Please see the CHANGELOG below for more details. Corresponding documentation updates are now live on the Consul website.

As always, please test in an isolated environment before upgrading. If you experience issues with CTS, you can report them on the CTS GitHub issue tracker or post to the CTS Discuss Forum for any general questions. Thank you to the community for all of their contributions.

Consul API Tooling Team


  • The formatting of the Terraform Plan outputted in the terminal by the Enable CLI and Inspect Mode is difficult to read when used with the TFC driver for certain Terraform versions. See issue for workaround. [GH-425]


  • Remove deprecated tag filtering option from service configuration, which has been replaced by the more general filter option. [GH-312]

  • The logging timestamps are now reported using the timezone of the system CTS is running on, instead of defaulting to UTC time. [GH-332]


  • Add support for triggering tasks based on Consul KV changes. [GH-150]

  • (Enterprise Only) Add integration with Terraform Cloud remote operations through the Terraform Cloud driver. [GH-328]

  • Add support for triggering a task on schedule for a task module requiring only services input. Supports a new schedule condition that is configured in conjunction with [GH-308]

  • Add support for new services source input block which can be used in conjunction with the scheduled task trigger task.source_input "services". This allows for service regex to be defined in lieu of [GH-382]

  • Add support for new Consul KV source input block which can be used in conjunction with the scheduled task trigger task.source_input "consul-kv". This allows for Consul key-values to be used as input to the Terraform Module. [GH-389]


  • (Enterprise Only) Add TLS configuration for the Terraform Cloud driver when connecting with Terraform Enterprise.

  • Enhanced http and structured logging. [GH-332]


  • Enforce GET request method for Overall Status API (/v1/status) so that other methods return 405 Method Not Allowed. [GH-427]

  • Enforce GET request method for Task Status API (/v1/status/tasks) so that other methods return 405 Method Not Allowed. [GH-360]

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