Crash after migration from proxmox-iso plugin from 1.1.8 to 1.2.2

I have a packer file which I use to create Alma and RHEL templates on Proxmox 8.3.0 (see below).
When using the Proxmox plugin version 1.1.8 it works perfectly, but I wanted to upgrade the plugin to version 1.2.2. But some of the parameter have now changed, but I’m unable to get it to boot without a kernel crash.

My original code is

packer {
  required_plugins {
    proxmox = {
      version = "= 1.1.8"
      source  = ""

variable "proxmox_url" {
  type = string

variable "proxmox_user" {
  type = string

variable "proxmox_token" {
  type = string

variable "ansible_password" {
  type = string

locals {
   timestamp = timestamp()

source "proxmox-iso" "almalinux9-tpl" {

  node                  = "proxmox"
  proxmox_url           = var.proxmox_url
  insecure_skip_tls_verify = true
# next 3 lines needed by 1.1.8 plugin but not 1.2.2
  iso_file              = "local:iso/AlmaLinux-9.5-x86_64-dvd.iso"
  iso_checksum          = "sha256:3947accd140a2a1833b1ef2c811f8c0d48cd27624cad343992f86cfabd2474c9"
  unmount_iso           = true
  vm_name               = "template-alma95-creating"
  template_name         = "template-alma95"
  template_description  = "${local.timestamp}"
  username              = var.proxmox_user
  token                 = var.proxmox_token

  cpu_type              = "host"
  cores                 = "2"
  memory                = "2048"

  disks {
    disk_size           = "60G"
    storage_pool        = "local-lvm"
    type                = "virtio"
    format              = "raw"

  network_adapters {
    bridge              = "vmbr0"

  ssh_username          = "ansible"
  ssh_password          = var.ansible_password
  ssh_timeout           = "30m"
  ssh_handshake_attempts= "100"

  additional_iso_files {
    cd_files            = ["ks.cfg"]
    cd_label            = "cidata"
    iso_storage_pool    = "local"
    unmount             = true

  boot_command          = [ "I", "<tab><end><wait5>",
                            " ip=dhcp",
                            " inst.cmdline",
                            " inst.ks=cdrom:/ks.cfg",
  boot_wait             = "20s"
  tags                  = "alma95"

build {
  name    = "alma9-${ formatdate("YYYYMMDDhhmm", local.timestamp) }"
  sources = ["source.proxmox-iso.almalinux9-tpl"]

If I replace the relevant lines of code with

diff testcase-1.1.8-working.pkr.hcl testcase-1.2.2-nonworking.pkr.hcl
<       version = "= 1.1.8"
>       version = ">= 1.2.2"
< # next 3 lines needed by 1.1.8 plugin but not 1.2.2
<   iso_file              = "local:iso/AlmaLinux-9.5-x86_64-dvd.iso"
<   iso_checksum          = "sha256:3947accd140a2a1833b1ef2c811f8c0d48cd27624cad343992f86cfabd2474c9"
<   unmount_iso           = true
> # next 5 lines needed for 1.2.2 plugin but not 1.1.8
>   boot_iso {
>     iso_file            = "local:iso/AlmaLinux-9.5-x86_64-dvd.iso"
>     iso_checksum        = "sha256:3947accd140a2a1833b1ef2c811f8c0d48cd27624cad343992f86cfabd2474c9"
>     unmount             = true
>   }

I get a kernel panic

any ideas?
