Packer proxmox-iso -"501 write to temporary file failed-" with additional_iso_files


I have a Debian 12 packer template I’m trying to build. I have successfully created the template with a preseed.cfg file, but I’d also like to attach an iso with cd_files that include a templated cloud.cfg file.

Here’s the build file:

    Debian 12 (Bookworm) build definition.
    Packer Plugin for Proxmox (`proxmox-iso` builder).

//  BLOCK: packer
//  The Packer configuration.

packer {
  required_plugins {
    ansible = {
      source  = ""
      version = "~> 1"
    proxmox = {
      version = ">= 1.1.3"
      source  = ""
    git = {
      version = ">= 0.4.3"
      source  = ""
    sshkey = {
      version = ">= 1.0.1"
      source  = ""

//  BLOCK: data
//  Defines the data sources.

data "sshkey" "install" {
  name = var.build_username

data "git-repository" "cwd" {}

//  BLOCK: locals
//  Defines the local variables.

locals {
  ansible_password_encrypted = bcrypt(var.ansible_password)
  build_password_encrypted   = bcrypt(var.build_password)

  additional_cd_files = ["./config/"]

  boot_command = [
    "auto preseed/url=http://${local.http_ip}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/preseed.cfg",
  build_by          = "Built by: HashiCorp Packer ${packer.version}"
  build_date        = formatdate("YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm ZZZ", timestamp())
  build_version     = data.git-repository.cwd.head
  build_description = "Version: ${local.build_version}\nBuilt on: ${local.build_date}\n${local.build_by}"

  http_ip = var.http_bind_address == null ? "{{ .HTTPIP }}" : var.http_bind_address

  iso_file             = "debian-12.1.0-amd64-netinst.iso"
  iso_target_path      = "${path.root}"
  iso_target_extension = "iso"
  manifest_date        = formatdate("YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss", timestamp())
  manifest_path        = "${path.cwd}/manifests/"
  manifest_output      = "${local.manifest_path}${local.manifest_date}.json"

  proxmox_username = !(var.proxmox_api_token == null) ? join("!", [var.proxmox_username, var.proxmox_api_token_id]) : var.proxmox_username

  vm_guest_os_family  = "linux"
  vm_guest_os_name    = "debian"
  vm_guest_os_version = "12"
  vm_name             = "${local.vm_guest_os_family}.${local.vm_guest_os_name}${local.vm_guest_os_version}"
  vm_iso_file         = var.vm_iso_file == null ? join("/", ["local:iso", local.iso_file]) : null
  data_source_content = {
    "/preseed.cfg" = templatefile("${abspath(path.root)}/data/preseed.pkrtpl.hcl", {
      build_username           = var.build_username
      build_password           = var.build_password
      build_password_encrypted = local.build_password_encrypted
      build_key                = var.build_key
      temp_build_key           = data.sshkey.install.public_key
      vm_guest_os_language     = var.vm_guest_os_language
      vm_guest_os_keyboard     = var.vm_guest_os_keyboard
      vm_guest_os_timezone     = var.vm_guest_os_timezone
      common_data_source       = var.common_data_source
  data_source_command  = var.common_data_source == "http" ? local.http_ip : "file=/media/preseed.cfg"
  template_name        = local.vm_name
  template_description = "Base template for Debian 12"

source "file" "cloud-init" {
  content = templatefile("${abspath(path.root)}/config/cloud.pkrtpl.cfg", {
    ansible_username     = var.ansible_username
    ansible_password     = local.ansible_password_encrypted
    ansible_key          = var.ansible_key != null ? var.ansible_key : ""
    build_username       = var.build_username
    build_password       = local.build_password_encrypted
    build_key            = var.build_key != null ? var.build_key : ""
    vm_guest_os_language = var.vm_guest_os_language
    vm_guest_os_keyboard = var.vm_guest_os_keyboard
    vm_guest_os_timezone = var.vm_guest_os_timezone
  target = "${path.root}/config/cloud.cfg"

source "proxmox-iso" "linux-debian" {
  // Proxmox datacenter and credentials
  proxmox_url              = var.proxmox_url
  username                 = local.proxmox_username
  password                 = var.proxmox_api_token == null ? var.proxmox_password : null
  token                    = var.proxmox_password == null ? var.proxmox_api_token : null
  insecure_skip_tls_verify = var.proxmox_insecure_connection

  // Proxmox settings
  node         = var.proxmox_node
  pool         = var.proxmox_resource_pool
  task_timeout = var.proxmox_task_timeout

  // Virtual Machine settings
  vm_name            = local.vm_name
  vm_id              = var.vm_id
  memory             = var.vm_mem_size
  ballooning_minimum = var.vm_enable_ballooning ? var.vm_min_mem_size : 0
  cores              = var.vm_cpu_core_count
  sockets            = var.vm_cpu_count
  os                 = var.vm_os
  bios               = var.vm_bios
  qemu_agent         = var.vm_enable_qemu_agent
  scsi_controller    = var.vm_scsi_controller
  onboot             = var.vm_start_on_boot
  disable_kvm        = var.vm_disable_kvm
  vm_interface       = var.vm_interface

  network_adapters {
    model         = var.vm_nic_model
    packet_queues = var.vm_enable_queues ? var.vm_number_of_queues : 0
    mac_address   = var.vm_nic_mac_address
    mtu           = var.vm_nic_mtu
    bridge        = var.vm_nic_bridge
    vlan_tag      = var.vm_nic_vlan
    firewall      = var.vm_enable_firewall

  disks {
    type         = var.vm_disk_type
    storage_pool = var.vm_storage_pool
    disk_size    = var.vm_disk_size
    cache_mode   = var.vm_cache_mode
    format       = var.vm_disk_format
    io_thread    = var.vm_enable_io_threading
    discard      = var.vm_enable_disk_discard
    ssd          = var.vm_enable_ssd

  // Removable media settings
  iso_file    = local.vm_iso_file
  unmount_iso = var.vm_unmount_iso
  dynamic "additional_iso_files" {
    for_each = var.enable_cloud_init ? [1] : [0]
    content {
      iso_storage_pool = var.cloud_init_storage_pool
      cd_files = !(var.additional_cd_files == []) ? concat(["./config/cloud.cfg"], var.additional_cd_files) : ["./config/cloud.cfg"]
      cd_label = "cidata"      

  // HTTP data
  http_content      = var.common_data_source == "http" ? local.data_source_content : null
  http_port_max     = var.http_port_max
  http_port_min     = var.http_port_min
  http_bind_address = var.http_bind_address
  http_interface    = var.http_interface

  // Cloud init settings
  cloud_init              = var.enable_cloud_init
  cloud_init_storage_pool = var.enable_cloud_init ? var.cloud_init_storage_pool : null

  // Boot settings
  boot_wait = var.boot_wait
  boot_command = [
    "auto preseed/url=http://${local.http_ip}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/preseed.cfg",

  // Communicator settings and credentials
  communicator         = "ssh"
  ssh_username         = var.build_username
  ssh_private_key_file = data.sshkey.install.private_key_path

  // Template settings
  template_name        = var.common_create_template ? local.template_name : null
  template_description = var.common_create_template ? local.template_description : null

build {
  sources = [

  # provisioning the vm template for cloud-init integration in Proxmox
  provisioner "file" {
    source      = "./files/99-pve.cfg"
    destination = "/tmp/99-pve.cfg"

  provisioner "file" {
    source      = "./config/cloud.cfg"
    destination = "/tmp/cloud.cfg"

  provisioner "shell" {
    inline = ["sudo cp /tmp/99-pve.cfg /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-pve.cfg"]

When I don’t include the “additional_iso_files” the build runs successfully, however, the cloud init execution doesn’t work because there is no attached cloud init drive on the cloned VM. To resolve, I added a dynamic block for additional_iso_files, so that when enable_cloud_init == true, it’ll template out the cloud.cfg file, and add that to the additionally mounted .iso. However, the build fails here: output will be in this color.
proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: output will be in this color.

==> proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: Creating CD disk...
==> Uploading ./files/99-pve.cfg => /tmp/99-pve.cfg
    proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: xorriso 1.5.4 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project. 99-pve.cfg 39 B / 39 B [=======================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 0s      
    proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: Drive current: -outdev 'stdio:/tmp/packer180824401.iso'
    proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: Media current: stdio file, overwriteable
    proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: Media status : is blank
    proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data,  950g free
    proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: xorriso : WARNING : -volid text does not comply to ISO 9660 / ECMA 119 rules
    proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: Added to ISO image: directory '/'='/tmp/packer_to_cdrom2247504117'
    proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: xorriso : UPDATE :       1 files added in 1 seconds
    proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: xorriso : UPDATE :       1 files added in 1 seconds
==> Uploading ./config/cloud.cfg => /tmp/cloud.cfg cloud.cfg 3.97 KiB / 3.97 KiB [================================================================================================================================================] 100.00% 0s
==> Provisioning with shell script: /tmp/packer-shell709328922
==> Provisioning with shell script: /tmp/packer-shell46206222
Build '' finished after 62 milliseconds 722 microseconds.
    proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: ISO image produced: 185 sectors
    proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: Written to medium : 185 sectors at LBA 0
    proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: Writing to 'stdio:/tmp/packer180824401.iso' completed successfully.
    proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: Done copying paths from CD_dirs
==> proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: 501 write to temporary file failed -
==> proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: 501 write to temporary file failed -
==> proxmox-iso.linux-<sensitive>: Step "stepUploadAdditionalISO" failed

The cloud init storage pool is a directory I created on the proxmox host, and I’ve added the Datastore.User role to both the API token and the API user.

Disregard. The issue was on the proxmox node. For the benefit of the rest of the community, I had previously tried to migrate a VM from esxi, and the OVF file was sitting in the /root/ directory consuming all available space. Once I removed the OVF file, I created a new storage directory in proxmox and was able to get the .iso uploaded.