I am currently working on implementing a security framework in terraform. As a part of this project I need to create sets of vpc flow logs. I’m encountering an issue when I try too run terraform apply. The configuration for this looks like:
resource aws_flow_log flow_log{
count = length(var.aws_vpc_ids)
log_destination = var.log_destination
log_destination_type = var.log_destination_type
traffic_type = var.traffic_type
vpc_id = var.aws_vpc_ids[count.index]
depends_on = [ var.log_destination ]
// Tags
tags = {
Name = "${var.aws_vpc_ids[count.index]}"
cost_environment = "${ var.environment == "production" ? "production" : "non-production"}"
cost_category = "SEC"
cost_team_owner = "MOPRAV"
The apply should run successfully
Error: error creating Flow Log (vpc-945bf9f3): 1 error occurred:
│ * vpc-945bf9f3: 400: Failed to set permission for LogDestination: nf-cisbenchmark-nf-sandbox-vpc-flow-logs
│ with module.nf_cis_benchmark.module.vpc[0].module.eu-west-1.aws_flow_log.flow_log[2],
│ on modules/nf_cis_benchmark/modules/vpc/modules/flow_log/flow_log.tf line 1, in resource "aws_flow_log" "flow_log":
│ 1: resource aws_flow_log flow_log{