Does Consul K8s Service Mesh Transparent Proxy support gRPC load balancing?

Dear guys, I would like to ask if currently the Transparent Proxy support for load balancing the gRPC service on K8s.
In my K8s lab, I have 2 gRPC server pods, and 1 gRPC client pod which calls continuously to the server. I also add a ServiceDefaults for the gRPC server like below:

kind: ServiceDefaults
name: greeterserver
protocol: ‘grpc’’: ‘true’ is set to the deployment file.
However, when the client started to call the server by using DNS “greeterserver.default.svc.cluster.local:8000”, only 1 pod received the traffic, the other didn’t receive anything.
When I used the service mesh without the Transparent Proxy, everything works well.
Please help!

Hi, this sounds like it could be a bug. Would you be able to open up an issue in GitHub - hashicorp/consul-k8s: First-class support for Consul and Kubernetes. Run Consul Service Mesh on Kubernetes, Sync services, and more. (you can just copy what you wrote here) and we can investigate.

Hi, thank you for your feedback. I could resolve this issue by update the CoreDNS and Consul to the latest version. I think that there was an issue when I configured the CoreDNS ConfigMap on K8s.

I’m not sure how updating CoreDNS fixed the problem but I’m glad you got this fixed!