Dynamic host catalogs on AWS | Boundary | HashiCorp Developer

I’m trying to create a host catalog plugin for AWS. I was able to originally create a host plugin for AWS using terraform without issue, but as of today, when trying to apply terraform, the host catalog plugin started failing. I destroyed all of the resources, and re-recreated, but I can not get past the error creating the host catalog plugin.

I was able to replicate the issue I was seeing with the terraform provide using the cli.

boundary host-catalogs create plugin -token=env://BOUNDARY_TOKEN  -scope-id $PROJECT_ID   -plugin-name aws   -attr disable_credential_rotation=true   -attr region=us-gov-east-1   -secret access_key_id=env://BOUNDARY_ACCESS_KEY_ID   -secret secret_access_key=env://BOUNDARY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
Error from controller when performing create on plugin-type host catalog

Error information:
  Kind:                Internal
  Message:             host_catalogs.(Service).createPluginInRepo: unable to create host catalog: plugin.(Repository).CreateCatalog: in project: p_DFQKgxQmW2: db.DoTx: plugin.(Repository).CreateCatalog: plugin.(HostCatalogSecret).encrypt: no attributes
  defined: parameter violation: error #100
  Status:              500
  context:             Error from controller when performing create on plugin-type host catalog

Both my boundary controller and cli are using version 0.15.4.
There’s a 500 if I attempt to create the dynamic host catalog via the UI as well.