ECS fails on redeploy


I’m following the ECS ecample and I’m trying to redeploy a failed deployment but I get this error:

» Deploying…
✓ Found existing ECS cluster: waypoint
✓ Found existing IAM role to use: ecr-example-nodejs
⠹ Registering Task definition: waypoint-example-nodejs
! transport is closing

This is my waypoint.hcl

app "example-nodejs" {
  labels = {
    "service" = "example-nodejs",
    "env" = "dev"

  build {
    use "pack" {}
    registry {
      use "aws-ecr" {
        region = "us-east-1"
        repository = "waypoint-example"
        tag = "latest"

  deploy {
    use "aws-ecs" {
      region = "us-east-1"
      memory = "512"
      subnets = ["subnet-xxxx1","subnet-xxxx2","subnet-xxxx3","subnet-xxxx4"]