Waypoint Release failing on error

I’m hoping someone here can point me into the correct direction, I’m trying to deploy a container to an existing application load balancer that listens to an ECS Fargate cluster through Waypoint. While, I’ve tried to follow the instructions given in the documentation to the best of my ability, I’m stuck and getting the following error:

» Releasing…
! 1 error occurred:
* argument cannot be satisfied: type *anypb.Any

The weird thing being that I don’t have anything in the release category, I’ve ended my waypoint.hcl file at deploy because to the best of my understanding the release part is completely optional. I’ve tried searching examples online of deploying to an ALB with no help. If anyone has some notes or documentation they would care to point in my direction it would be very much appreciated.

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I didn’t get all the way through an example, but this deploy section made my errors go away with waypoint init. Referencing the ECS plugin docs hopefully helps you take it the rest of the way.

  deploy {
    use "aws-ecs" {
      region = "us-east-1"
      memory = "512"
      alb {
        certificate = "foo"
        domain_name = "bar.com"
        listener_arn = "something"
        zone_id = "anotherthing"

Full waypoint.hcl here.

First of all thanks for your suggestion, I think your idea might have worked if not for some unknown reason (to me at least) that our company is using Cloudflare not Route53 to manage our DNS entries and to do it your way, it would be required to have both a Zone_ID and a Domain_Name entry in the waypoint.hcl file… Though on the bright side I might be able to use this as an argument to convince them to move away from Cloudflare…

Originally I had the waypoint.hcl set up like this:

project = "project name"

app "application name" {
  labels = {
    "service" = "service",
    "env" = "env"

  build {
    use "docker" {}
    registry {
      use "aws-ecr" {
        region = "region"
        repository = "repo"
        tag = gitrefpretty()

  deploy {
    use "aws-ecs" {
      region = "region"
      memory = "512"
      cluster = "cluster name"
      count = 1
      role_name = "ecsTaskExecutionRole"
      subnets = [
  release {
    use "aws-alb" {
      name = "ALB name"
      port = 443
      subnets = [
      certificate = "Certificate ARN"
      listener_arn = "Listener ARN"

When I do a Waypoint Init, I get no errors but it deploys it to a new ALB every single time, and it returns that pesky error…