Error: cannot create cluster: authentication is not configured for provider file

terraform {

required_providers {

azurerm =  {

  source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"

  version = "~> 2.33"


databricks = {

  source  = "databrickslabs/databricks"

  version = "~> 0.5"


random = {

  source  = "hashicorp/random"

  version = "~> 2.2"




resource “databricks_cluster” “cluster1” {

cluster_name = var.cluster1name #“Cluster-1”

spark_version = var.spark_version

node_type_id = var.node_type_id

autotermination_minutes = 15

autoscale {

min_workers = 1

max_workers = 3


library {

pypi {

  package = "pyodbc"



library {

pypi {

  package = "databricks-cli"




resource “databricks_notebook” “notebook1” {

content_base64 = base64encode(“print(‘Welcome to your Python notebook1 App1’)”)

path = var.notebook_path1

language = “PYTHON”

format = “SOURCE”


resource “databricks_notebook” “notebook2” {

content_base64 = base64encode(“print(‘Welcome to your Python notebook2 App2’)”)

path = var.notebook_path2

language = “PYTHON”

format = “SOURCE”


Hi! Have you tried configuring authentication for the provider?