Error from controller when performing read on target (Interactive Tutorial)


I’am trying to deploy Boundary on POC environment (On-premise)

When I try to connect to my first target, I get this error message :

$ boundary targets read -id ttcp_1234567890
Error from controller when performing read on target

Error information:
  Kind:                Unauthenticated
  Message:             Unauthenticated, or invalid token.
  Status:              401
  context:             Error from controller when performing read on target

What is weird is that I had the same error message when running the interactive tutorial provided by hashicorp

I’m using debian 10 VM.

Steps that I’ve performed (After installing all the necessary packages):

export BOUNDARY_ADDR=http://Boundary-server:9200

boundary dev -api-listen-address= -cluster-listen-address= -proxy-listen-address= -worker-public-address=Boundary-server

boundary authenticate password
-format=json | jq -r “.token”)

export BOUNDARY_TOKEN=$(cat boundary_token.txt)

I’m using the latest boundary version

Anyone is facing this issue?

Thanks for submitting this @aahmed.zakraoui. Did the file you redirected the token to populate with token data? Can you cat that file to verify?

Hey there, Thanks for the quick reply.

Below the result of cat command :

root@test-boundary-controller-01 ~
$ cat boundary_token.txt

It seems the tutorial is out of date based on more recent changes to the CLI’s JSON format output. You need the jq part to be jq -r .item.attributes.token.

Works fine now, Thanks @jeff !

No problem! We’ll get that tutorial updated.