Error while creating a VM

i am trying to create a virtual machine with gentoo operating system with terraform leaning with VSphere(Ver8)/ESXI.
the terraform file takes a Template virtual machine and duplicates it, after that it has to configure it. When it gets to 91% of creation the following error is generated:
Error: error reconfiguring virtual machine: error reconfiguring virtual machine: Invalid operation for device ‘2’

with vspere_virtual_machine.vm[“terraVM1”], on main.ft line 39, in resource “vsphere_virtual_machine” “vm”: 39: resource “vspere_virutal_machine” “vm” {

Terraform (Ver 1.4.6) is installed on a docker container

provider “vsphere” {
user = “administrator@vsphere.local”
password = “M&tlab1!”
vsphere_server = “”
allow_unverified_ssl = true
client_debug = true

data “vsphere_datacenter” “dc” {
name = local.dc

data “vsphere_compute_cluster” “compute_cluster” {
name = local.cluster
datacenter_id =

data “vsphere_resource_pool” “pool” {
name = local.resource_pool_id
datacenter_id =

data “vsphere_datastore” “datastore” {
name = local.datastore
datacenter_id =

data “vsphere_network” “net” {
name = local.vnic1
datacenter_id =

data “vsphere_virtual_machine” “template” {
name = local.template
datacenter_id =

resource “vsphere_virtual_machine” “vm” {
for_each = var.vms
datastore_id =
resource_pool_id =
guest_id = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.guest_id

network_interface {
network_id =

name =

num_cpus = local.cpu_count
memory = local.memory

disk {
label = local.disk_label
size = local.disk_size
thin_provisioned = local.disk_thin

clone {
template_uuid =

       # this part is irrelevant , because the same error occurs in both scenarios, without and with it
      customize {
           linux_options {
                   host_name =
                  domain    = local.domain

        network_interface {
                          ipv4_address    = each.value.ipv4_add_mgt
                          ipv4_netmask    = local.ipv4_net
                         dns_server_list = local.dns
 ipv4_gateway = local.ipv4_gate


locals {
cluster = “LAB1”
resource_pool_id = “resource_pool_devops”
datastore = “DATASTORE8TB”
vnic1 = “VM Network”
template = “Finx4_1_VM01”
cpu_count = “4”
memory = “4096”
disk_label = “disk0”
disk_size = “50”
disk_thin = “true”
domain = “METLAB.MBDA”
ipv4_net = “24”
dns = [“”, “”]
ipv4_gate = “”


variable “vms” {
type = map
default = {
terraVM1= {
name = “terraVM1”
ipv4_add_mgt = “”
# terraVM2 = {
# name = “terraVM2”
# ipv4_add_mgt = “”
# },

Hi @rantonelli0104 ,

I think you may find it difficult to get help on this in this forum, as this isn’t the first time recently someone has mentioned an error like this, and I don’t remember seeing a reply.

Part of the problem, is that the question, as currently phrased, requires someone have experience of both vSphere and Terraform to be able to help at all - and realistically they probably need a vSphere test environment too.

You might consider turning on very verbose logging for Terraform providers, by setting the environment variable TF_LOG_PROVIDER=trace - this might allow you to figure out exactly what operation is failing, which might lead to you figuring out the problem yourself - or being able to decompose it into more of a “Terraform” problem, or a “vSphere” problem - possibly allowing you to get help from people who are expert in only one product.

Additionally, Welcome to the forum - please reformat your message