This thread is a place for HashiTalks 2023 speakers to post the slides that compliment their talks.
View the HashiTalks 2023 schedule.
This thread is a place for HashiTalks 2023 speakers to post the slides that compliment their talks.
View the HashiTalks 2023 schedule.
Slides for Replatforming with Minimal Drama and Downtime by Elijah Voigt can be found here on Google Slides.
Hi All , Here you may find the slides here for “Creating a Agnostic Security Solution with HashiCorp Vault”
Hello everyone, my slides and code can be found here, GitHub - movinalot/hashitalks-2023: Terraform code for HashiTalks 2023 - Advanced Terraform Techniques 2/16 11:45-12:15 Eastern
Building Scalable Enterprise Secrets Management with GitHub OIDC and HashiCorp Vault
DigitalOcean blog post with more details about how we configure GitHub OIDC: Fine-Grained RBAC For GitHub Action Workflows With GitHub OIDC and HashiCorp Vault
Our open-sourced Terraform module: GitHub - digitalocean/terraform-vault-github-oidc: Terraform module to configure Vault for GitHub OIDC authentication from Action runners.
Self-service demo/tutorial: GitHub - artis3n/course-vault-github-oidc: Take this course to learn how to create fine-grained, least-privilege HashiCorp Vault roles for GitHub Action workflows using GitHub OIDC.
Autoscaling Workers for Boundary - Ned Bellavance
My code and presentation can be found here: GitHub - ned1313/hashitalks-2023-boundary: Demo code for HashiTalks 2023 Boundary Presentation
Secure Developer Workflows with Vault and Github Actions - Kartik Lunkad
Using HCP Waypoint
Slides: Using HCP Waypoint
Code: public-speaking/demos/waypoint at main · mbevc1/public-speaking · GitHub
Can you please give provide hash form gift again?
Could you share youtube video?
Thank you for the knowledge sharing
How to Deploy Your HashiCorp Stack with Ansible in Under 15 Minutes
Slides - Code repository
Is it possible to have the slides for the presentation Running Cilium with Nomad? Thanks