The Nomad team is excited to announce the first release candidate for Nomad 1.6.0. There are a number of new features as well as smaller improvements and bug fixes. User feedback is appreciated before our upcoming final release!
Major new features include:
- Node Pools: Assign Nomad client nodes to pools that exclude jobs that haven’t been specifically deployed to them.
- Node pool governance (Nomad Enterprise): Nomad Enterprise users get more flexibility and control over node pools by assigning namespaces to specific node pools, or set the scheduler configuration for each node pool.
- Job status page redesign: The job status page has been completely redesigned to provide at-a-glance visibility into deployment status.
- Jobspec sources in the UI: See the HCL job file you submitted with a job in the web UI.
Please see the changelog for all of the enhancements and bug fixes, and the announcement blog post for the beta release for more.
While the release candidate is not intended for production use, upgrading existing development clusters is an appreciated source of testing. Please read the upgrade guide for backward incompatibilities and remember that downgrading is not supported. Please do not hesitate to file an issue on Github.
Thanks, The Nomad Team
1.6.0-rc.1 Binaries -Nomad v1.6.0-rc.1 Binaries | HashiCorp Releases
Changelog -