[Nomad][ACL] is there any production ready example for nomad acl policy?

Hi, is there any production ready example for nomad acl policy?
or nomad clients least privilege policy?

So, I want to implement Nomad ACL and Consul ACL,
but still confuse as there is no ready to use policy for us to research around,

and lastly, maybe stupid question, when we enabled and bootstraped nomad server agent to use ACL, is there any configuration to be added to nomad clients? as if I not wrong, we need to add consul token to the nomad clients to be able to read consul key/value

Hi @petrukngantuk1 :wave:

I’m not sure if I understand what you are looking for. ACL policies are usually very environment specific, meaning, the types of access that you grant and to whom will depend on what you have running.

We have some guides and tutorials for the ACL system, but you’ve probably seen those already.

Could you give an example of the type of guidance that you are looking for?

Yes, you need to enable acl in the clients as well.

Also yes :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: . You need to set the consul -> token value.

There are not stupid questions, all questions are valid in this forum :slightly_smiling_face: