Nomad job constraint on driver options does not find node

I am running a selenium job in a nomad cluster. Currently there are no custom meta information on the client side so I am trying to solve the job constraint for selenium (access to /dev/shm) with the existing information from nomad.

The message I got when starting the job:

### selenium-hub 1 unplaced

* Constraint `computed class ineligible` filtered 4 nodes

### selenium-nodes 1 unplaced

* Constraint `${driver.docker.volumes.enabled} = true` filtered 4 nodes

The job definition (terraform template) with the constraint section looks like this:

job "${job_vars.stage}-selenium-hub" {
  region      = "global"
  datacenters = ["eu-central-1"]
  type        = "service"
  priority    = 50

  constraint {
    attribute  = "$${driver.docker.volumes.enabled}"
    value     = "true"

The nomad UI shows one client node that has this properties set:

When replacing the literal “true” with HCL boolean the error message changes slightly:

### selenium-hub 1 unplaced

* Constraint `${driver.docker.volumes.enabled} = 1` filtered 4 nodes

Hi @gthieleb ,

Thanks for using Nomad!

Couple of questions for you.

  1. Do you have the following on your clients?
client {
  options = {
    "docker.volumes.enabled" = true
  1. Are you using Levant per-chance?
  2. Can you post your full job and agent config (with secrets redacted)?
  • Derek and the Nomad Team

Hi Derek,

At the bottom is the full nomad job.

I played a bit with the syntax of constraint trying both

attribute = "driver.docker.volumes.enabled"


attribute = "$${driver.docker.volumes.enabled}"

  1. You can see in OT post that one linux node has volumes enabled. Here is the config:
sudo cat /etc/nomad.d/nomad*
plugin "docker" {
  config {
    volumes {
      enabled = true

datacenter = "eu-central-1"
data_dir = "/opt/nomad/data"
bind_addr = ""

# Enable the client
client {
  enabled = true

consul {
  address = ""
  token   = "********************"
  1. What is levant?

  2. Here you are the full job config

job "${job_vars.stage}-selenium" {
  region      = "global"
  datacenters = ["eu-central-1"]
  type        = "service"
  priority    = 50

  group "selenium" {
    count = 1

    constraint {
      attribute  = "driver.docker.volumes.enabled"
      value     = true

    network {

      port "selenium_hub" { 
        to = 4444
        static = 4444 

    task "selenium-hub" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "selenium/hub:3.141.59-20210713"
        ports = ["selenium_hub"]

      env {
        GRID_NODE_POLLING                   = 2000
        GRID_CLEAN_UP_CYCLE                 = 2000
        GRID_TIMEOUT                        = 10000

      service {
        name = "selenium-hub"
        tags = ["${job_vars.stage}", "selenium", "hub"]
        port = "selenium_hub"

        check {
          name     = "alive"
          type     = "tcp"
          interval = "10s"
          timeout  = "2s"

      resources {
        cpu    = 1000
        memory = 1024

      logs {
        max_files     = 10
        max_file_size = 15

      kill_timeout = "20s"


  group "selenium-nodes" {
    count = 1

    restart {
      attempts = 10
      interval = "5m"
      delay    = "25s"
      mode     = "delay"

    network {

      port "selenium_node" { 
        to = 5555
        static = 5555


    task "selenium-node" {
      driver = "docker"

      template {
        data = <<EOH
HUB_HOST =          "{{ with service "selenium-hub" }}{{ with index . 0 }}{{.Address}}{{ end }}{{ end }}"
SE_EVENT_BUS_HOST = "{{ with service "selenium-hub" }}{{ with index . 0 }}{{.Address}}{{ end }}{{ end }}"
SE_NODE_HOST = "$${NOMAD_IP_selenium_node}"
        env = true
        destination = "local/env"

      config {
        shm_size = 2097152
        ports = ["selenium_node"]
        image = "selenium/node-chrome:3.141.59-20210713"
        volumes = ["/dev/shm:/dev/shm"]

      service {
        name = "selenium-node"
        tags = ["${job_vars.stage}", "selenium", "node", "chrome"]

      resources {
        cpu    = 1000
        memory = 4096

      logs {
        max_files     = 10
        max_file_size = 15

      kill_timeout = "20s"

A shot in the dark, but could it be:

attr.driver.docker.volumes.enabled ?

In the past I faced a similar documentation issue:

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Good news! (sort of) I’ve been able to reproduce this on my end. I’ll start to digging into what we’re missing in this config here and get back to you.

So this works for me. @shantanugadgil was spot on. You do need the ${} around the entry, and you also need the attr. segment.

    constraint {
      attribute  = "${attr.driver.docker.volumes.enabled}"
      value     = true

Wait … the bare worded method doesn’t work ? (due to HCL2)?
No double quotes, only bare words?

      attribute  = attr.driver.docker.volumes.enabled

I didn’t actually try. Out of habit, I just used the ${}. You are correct. The bare string works too. Looks like the issue was just the missing attr segment.

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