Not able to find origin type attribute under azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_origin resource

Hi Team, We are trying to add application gateway as origin Type under azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_origin resource for configuring azure front door for one of our requirement. But unfortunately we do not find any thing to choose as origin type under this resource. could you please help us to resolve this asap.

code example:

resource “azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_origin_group” “app_origin_group” {
name = “ORG-{replace("{var.custom_domain_name}”, “.”, “-” )}"
cdn_frontdoor_profile_id =
session_affinity_enabled = var.session_affinity_enabled

load_balancing {
sample_size = 4
successful_samples_required = 3

health_probe {
path = “/”
request_type = “HEAD”
protocol = “Https”
interval_in_seconds = 100

resource “azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_origin” “app_origin” {
name = “{replace("{var.custom_domain_name}”, “.”, “-” )}"
cdn_frontdoor_origin_group_id =

enabled = true
host_name = var.application_host_name
http_port = 80
https_port = 443
origin_host_header = var.custom_domain_name
priority = 1
weight = 1000
certificate_name_check_enabled = true

dynamic private_link {
for_each = var.enable_private_link == true ? [1] :
request_message = “Request access for Private Link Origin CDN Frontdoor”
target_type = “sites”
location = data.azurerm_windows_web_app.web-app-fd[0].location
private_link_target_id = data.azurerm_windows_web_app.web-app-fd[0].id

Current set up works fine for adding web apps under origin Groups, but not getting a way to choose application gateway as origin type. Could anyone please help?