Reference to undeclared input variable


I’m getting this error while running terraform plan :
Such as my currrent version of terraform is 0.14.8:

2021-04-07T14:25:33.8322384Z Error: Reference to undeclared input variable
2021-04-07T14:25:33.8323517Z   on line 21, in module "az-citrix-netscaler":
2021-04-07T14:25:33.8324286Z   21:   for_each                      = var.vm-netscaler
2021-04-07T14:25:33.8325191Z An input variable with the name "vm-netscaler" has not been declared. This
2021-04-07T14:25:33.8326352Z variable can be declared with a variable "vm-netscaler" {} block.

variable "vm-netscaler" {
  type        = map(any)
  default = {
    netscaler1 = {
       instance           = "007"
       private_ip_address = ""
       computer_name      = "shsprdcomvm007"
       zones              = ["2"] 
    netscaler2 = {
       instance           = "008"
       private_ip_address = ""
       computer_name      = "shsprdcomvm008"
       zones              = ["3"] 

variable "admin_username" {
  type        = string
  description = "The name of the local administrator account"

variable "admin_password" {
  type        = string
  description = "The password associated with the local administrator account"
variable "m_image_publisher" {
 type = string
 description = "Publisher of the VM image"
 default = "citrix"
variable "m_image_offer" {
 type = string
 description = "Specifies the offer of the image used to create the virtual machine"
 default = "netscalervpx121"
variable "m_image_sku" {
 type = string
 description = "The SKU of the image used to create the virtual machine."
 default = "netscalerbyol"
variable "m_image_version" {
 type = string
 description = "The version of the image used to create the virtual machine"
 default = "latest"

module "az-citrix-netscaler" {
  source                        = "git::https://.."
  for_each                      = var.vm-netscaler
  m_environment                 = var.environment
  m_domain_name                 = var.domain_name
  m_common_tag                  = local.common_tag
  m_resource_group_name         = local.current_rg
  m_subnet_name                 = var.subnet_name
  m_vnet_name                   = var.vnet_name
  m_vnet_resource_group         = var.vnet_resource_group
  m_ip_config_name              = "ifconfig"
  m_private_ip_allocation       = "Static"
  m_vm_size                     = var.vm_size
  m_os_disk_size_gb             = 128
  m_add_default_data_disk       = false
  m_boot_diagnostics_isrequired = false
  m_diagnosticsext_isrequired = false
  m_tag_vm_function             = "Citrix-Netscaler"
  m_mda_isrequired              = false
  m_mma_isrequired              = false
  m_disk_initialize_isrequired  = false

  m_instance                    = each.value.instance
  m_private_ip_address          = each.value.private_ip_address
  m_computer_name               = each.value.computer_name
  m_admin_username              = var.admin_username
  m_admin_password              = var.admin_password
  m_zones                       = each.value.zones

Could you please support me thx