Status of HCP Nomad?

Since Mitchell’s reply below, were there any updates on the availability of Nomad on HCP that I missed?
Thank you.

mitchellh on Oct 15, 2020

(1) HCP Nomad is coming. We announced HCP Consul public beta and HCP Vault private beta today (on AWS, more clouds later). HCP Nomad is planned but not quite ready to talk about beyond that yet. That is “managed Nomad.”


If HCP Nomad materializes, the Triforce will be complete and Hyrule shall thrive.

Where’s the right place to stay tuned for updates about this?

I am also interested for hosted nomad servers :smile:

At DevOps 2022 in Barcelona, Armon answered a question re: “HCP Nomad” in the short Q&A at the end of his keynote at minute 46:55 Armon Dadgar – Zero Trust Security - YouTube

Back in November, he made no announcement, but acknowldged that demand is high, and requested community feedback about managed “Control Planes only”, “Data Planes as well”, and “Observability” (also for self-managed cluster, likely similar to what HCP Consul had added recently).