Terraform updated

I am facing the issue, There was no infrastructure change but a version was upgraded 2 times from 0.13.7 to 0.14.11 and 0.14.11 to 1.0.11 but both were not updated the state file version in AWS Production and DEV QA, but other environments like SB2, DEV, stage all get updated except Production and DEV QA

If there were no changes in infrastructure in all environments, it would have been the same for all environments state file should not be updated with the version, why it was not updated in Prod and DEV QA?

Hi @mushasbn,

I’m not sure what to add that wasn’t already covered in the previous thread. If Terraform needs to modify the state file in any way, then the new file will have a new terraform_version, but that is an internal implementation detail and not coupled to any actual infrastructure changes.

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